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Matura 2015. Język ANGIELSKI poziom rozszerzony dla TECHNIKUM [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZE CKE]

Matura 2015. Język ANGIELSKI poziom rozszerzony dla TECHNIKUM [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZE CKE]
Matura 2015. Język ANGIELSKI poziom rozszerzony dla TECHNIKUM [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZE CKE] Grzegorz Dembiński
Trwa matura 2015. Dla uczniów technikum mamy materiał: Matura 2015. Język ANGIELSKI poziom rozszerzony dla TECHNIKUM [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZE CKE]. ODPOWIEDZI i ARKUSZE CKE z matury 2015, język angielski rozszerzony dla technikum znajdziecie poniżej. Sprawdźcie odpowiedzi i arkusze CKE z języka angielskiego, poziom podstawowy dla technikum.

Matura 2015

Matura 2015: Język angielski, poziom podstawowy dla LICEUM [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZE CKE]
Matura 2015: Język angielski, poziom podstawowy dla TECHNIKUM [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZE CKE]

Zadanie 1.
Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1.1.–1.5.) jednym wyrazem, przekształcając wyraz podany w nawiasie, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

Route 66, also colloquially known as the Main Street of America, was one of the first highways in the US. On maps, it starts in Chicago and ends about 2,400 miles further, in Santa Monica. But as an idea, Route 66 runs through the heart of American pop culture. Synonymous with the adventure of the open road, it has become virtually 1.1. (MORTAL) ________________ in songs, on TV, in books, and in movies.

Route 66 served as a major path for those who migrated west. People doing business along the route became prosperous due to the growing 1.2. (POPULAR) ________________ of the highway. Nowadays, these old businesses line the old route and are part of its appeal. It’s one of the most 1.3. (CHARACTER) _________________ features of this road.

“It’s America the way it used to be,” says David Listokin, a professor at Rutgers University. “The restaurants and shops are 1.4. (INDIVIDUAL) _________________ owned, so people can speak to the proprietors. Not like in chain stores.”
The road is no longer a highway and there are faster ways to get from Chicago to Santa Monica but many 1.5. (TRAVEL) ________________ still prefer to explore the small towns by sticking to the old road.
adapted from

1.1. immortal
1.2. popularity
1.3. characteristic
1.5. travellers

Zadanie 2.
Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (2.1.–2.5.). W każdą lukę można wpisać od 2 do 6 wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.

2.1. I don’t like you interrupting me while I’m on the phone.
I _______while I’m on the phone.

2.2. The expedition was put off because there weren’t enough people interested.
There _______that the expedition had to be put off.

2.3. How long has she been performing on Broadway?
How long ________ performing on Broadway?

2.4. When I think about my school days, I realize how carefree my life used to be.
When I _________on my school days, I realize how carefree my life used to be.

2.5. Don’t call him now – I’m sure he is resting after that sleepless night.
Don’t call him now – he _______after that sleepless night.

2.1. - wish you didn't interrupt me
2.2. - weren't enough people interested so
2.3. - has it been since she started
2.4. - look back
2.5. - must be resting

Zadanie 3.
Wypowiedz się na jeden z trzech poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Zaznacz wybrany temat, zakreślając jego numer.

1. Coraz częściej słyszymy o osobach, które decydują się wyruszyć samotnie na trudną wyprawę – opłynąć Ziemię, dotrzeć na biegun, zdobyć niedostępny szczyt itp. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz wady i zalety odbycia takiej wyprawy samotnie.

2. Napisz recenzję wystawy, która dotyczyła zagadnienia związanego z ekologią i zwróciła Twoją uwagę ze względu na atrakcyjny dla młodzieży sposób prezentacji tego zagadnienia oraz ciekawą promocję tej wystawy.

3. Napisz opowiadanie o naukowcu, który dokonuje ważnego odkrycia w wyniku popełnionego przez siebie błędu.

Zadanie 4.

Interviewer: Today in the studio my guest is Warren Forman, a storm chaser. Warren, the first question from a listener: why is it OK for storm chasers to get close to a tornado, but not for ordinary people?

Warren Forman: The answer is simple. Ordinary people don’t have enough knowledge so for them it’s downright dangerous. Storm chasers have been collecting information for years, so they usually know how close they can get and where the safe places are. However, even an experienced storm chaser can’t be sure which way the tornado will go and how fast it is going.

lnterviewer: So, how many tornadoes have you followed? And have you ever been in real danger?

Warren Forman: Well, at first I kept a detailed record but I gave up counting at more or less a hundred. I know we are considered to be crazy risk-takers, but this image is not true about everyone. I’ve always preferred to stay on the safe side. At the beginning of my career I was simply scared. You know, any time you’re near severe weather, things happen, for example, storms change intensity. Today I’m not scared any more but I’m conscious of their nature and that’s why I have reverence for their power.

Interviewer: From your book we learn that you’re one of the few who survived a brush with the most powerful F-5 tornado in Oklahoma in 1991. Can you tell us something more about it?

Warren Forman: Just being that close to it was really a nerve-wracking experience. This one passed in front of me very, very close. The tornado was huge and resembled a sandstorm.

Interviewer: In your book you emphasize how important it is to record tornadoes through film or photography and keep local weather services up to date with their movements. Why?

Warren Forman: Because then you can see them coming. You can be warned for days in advance, so people can take precautions. I’m looking forward to the day when tornadoes could be predictable, but I doubt if it will happen soon. The latest research sees many scientists experimenting with lasers but the outcomes of their research are quite random so, in my opinion, we won’t be able to foretell any time soon exactly when or where a tornado will strike.

Interviewer: Thank you very much for talking to us.
adapted from

Zadanie 4.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę na temat trąb powietrznych. Zaznacz znakiem X, które zdania są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T – True), a które nie (F – False).

4.1. It’s easy for storm chasers to predict in what direction a tornado will proceed.T/F
4.2. Warren has made notes on every tornado he has witnessed.T/F
4.3. Warren’s initial fear of tornadoes has turned into respect over the years.T/F
4.4. Scientists’ experiments with lasers have not produced reliable results yet.T/F
4.5. In the interview, Warren advises listeners what specific precautions should be taken when a tornado approaches.T/F

4.1. - F
4.2. - F
4.3. - T
4.4. - T
4.5. - F

Zadanie 5.

Speaker 1.
One day, at the restaurant where I work, the fire evacuation siren went off all of a sudden. We were all sure it was a test, but from the tone of our manager’s voice we could tell that it was something serious. Following protocol we ordered all the customers to go to the fire evacuation point. While we waited there, some of our ever so loyal customers decided to take the opportunity to run off without paying the bill. After a while, our manager informed us that the alarm was just a mistake.

Speaker 2.
One day, I was passing the restaurant I work at and I decided to pop in and say hello to my workmates. I was having a chat with my supervisor when I saw one of our waitresses having some trouble with a customer. This man was really giving her a hard time, yelling and insulting her to the point where she started to cry. I got angry. “Hey, back off! She’s only doing her job!” I shouted. The look on the man’s face was priceless. My supervisor explained that it was considerate of me to come to her rescue like that, but if I had been in uniform at the time, I would have been in big trouble. Fortunately, it was my day off.

Speaker 3.
One night, I was having a meal in a restaurant when two women walked in dragging five children along with them. The women started chatting and didn’t pay attention to what their kids were doing. And the kids ran wild. Finally, I stood up and said that the children were ruining everybody’s meals and that we’d had enough. The women’s reaction was appalling. They just told me it wasn’t my business what their kids were doing. So I walked back to my table, grabbed my meal, took it over to the women’s table and deposited the plates in front of them along with the bill. I said they were now responsible for paying it and left.

Speaker 4.
I worked as a bartender at a nice restaurant on the waterfront in a summer resort town, and one day I went to a table to deliver four standard salads. As I was handing out the fourth salad, the woman that received the first one commented excitedly, “There is a frog in my salad!” Everyone just laughed a little, but sure enough a baby frog jumped right out onto the table. Of course I quickly replaced the salad and just hoped she wasn’t going to complain to the manager. You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that she’d left a $10 tip for me! Something like that happens only once in a lifetime!

Speaker 5.
I once ate at one of those Japanese restaurants where the chef prepares food on a grill in front of customers. The chef wanted to impress the customers with his juggling skills. He’d toss large wooden salt and pepper shakers into the air, quickly catching them and throwing them up again. Suddenly he lost control of one of the shakers and it flew directly towards my father-in-law. Miraculously, it missed him by a small margin. And my fatherin- law just said “It’s good you haven’t been playing with knives. I’d like to talk to the manager!” The chef turned red with embarrassment.
adapted from

Zadanie 5
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi związanych z restauracjami. Do każdej wypowiedzi (5.1.–5.5.) dopasuj właściwy nagłówek (A–F). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jeden nagłówek został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.


5.1. - F
5.2. - A
5.3. - D
5.4. - E
5.5. - B

Zadanie 6.

As you probably know, the London Marathon is taking place this Sunday. It’s an incredibly popular event so to avoid huge crowds of runners participants are drawn in a lottery. As usual I applied, and as usual had no luck, the fourth time in a row. I was in good company, though. Hundreds of others were also rejected. It shows you must be really lucky to take part. And when I don’t run, I always watch the television coverage. I cry every time the first runners complete the course. The participants are both elite athletes and amateurs. And we shouldn’t forget first-timers who run wearing funny costumes, for example dressed up as famous film characters. Such participants are the best promotion of the event as they attract the media. The event is obviously popular among long-distance runners but is also well known as a charity event which helps to raise funds for a range of important causes.

A few years ago I decided to turn my attention towards more demanding events such as the six-day marathon in the Sahara Desert. For me, such endurance events, which demand a lot of strength and determination, are addictive. Nothing, no scorching sun, or even a cloud of volcanic ash obscuring the skies, can beat the compulsion to do them. I feel great even if I’m beaten and the last to cross the finish line. And it doesn’t matter that there is no cheering crowd along the route and little chance that the event will be reported worldwide. It’s the feeling of achievement in accomplishing something that demanding which counts.

I have learnt repeatedly that appearance is no measure of fitness. A few years ago, I found myself starting the marathon alongside a stick-thin 80-year-old man. I thought to myself that at least I wouldn’t be the very last person crossing the finish line. And you’d never guess. Some time around mile six he gently overtook me, smiling and waving at his many supporters along the route! With tiny, feather-light steps he drifted into the distance far ahead, breezing past us all. I wanted to congratulate him but I couldn’t find him anywhere when I finally crossed the finish line myself.

Many people ask me for advice when they are about to start running marathons. Here are a few things I’ve learnt. First of all, I relax every part of my body and keep my chin down a bit. That’s what expert runners advise. Then I listen to my body, adjust my speed accordingly and enjoy myself. Sounds obvious? But you’d be amazed how many people shoot away from the start line. They’re soon out of breath. Every muscle is tense, and by mile ten they feel pain round their stomach and feel that they’ve pulled all their muscles. A marathon course is more than 26 miles long so I find it meaningless to rush the first third.

Many people believe that finishing a marathon is an unachievable goal. We amateur marathon runners think otherwise.
adapted from The Joy of Marathon Running, The Guardian.

Zadanie 6.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź osoby biorącej udział w maratonach. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

6.1. Which is TRUE about the London Marathon?
A. Some competitors advertise the charities they work for.
B. Not everyone who applies gets the chance to run in it.
C. There are lotteries organised for the spectators.
D. Film stars are hired to promote it.

6.2. The speaker runs marathons in extreme conditions because
A. he enjoys the challenge.
B. he has a greater chance of winning.
C. the media are more interested in them.
D. they attract more spectators on the route.

6.3. The 80-year-old man taking part in the marathon
A. behaved in an arrogant way.
B. needed assistance to finish the race.
C. approached the speaker after the race.
D. performed much better than the speaker.

6.4. During a marathon, the speaker
A. monitors his pulse regularly.
B. tries to take the lead at the start.
C. keeps his head in the recommended position.
D. wants to overtake as many runners as possible.

6.5. The speaker wants to
A. present the winners of the marathons he ran.
B. instruct listeners on how to organise a marathon.
C. encourage participation in different charity events.
D. share his experience of being a long-distance runner.

6.1. - B
6.2. - A
6.3. - D
6.4. - C
6.5. - D

Zadanie 7.
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Among the passengers travelling home by train from Florence there was a certain Miss Bradley. I only noticed her when passing down the corridor because of her remarkable plainness. She was about thirty-five, awkward, with a big red nose, and large spectacles. Later on, when I went to the dining car, Miss Bradley was already seated, and the attendant placed me opposite her. I think we may have exchanged half a dozen words at dinner, when passing each other the sugar or the bread. So when we left the dining car, I didn’t regret saying goodbye to Miss Bradley.

Finally, we reached the station in Calais. There were plenty of porters, and I called one without difficulty. As I got off, I saw Miss Bradley standing on the platform with two large very old suitcases. The porters were passing her by pretending not to see her. I am quite sure that had she been an even slightly attractive woman, I shouldn’t have gone up to her, but she was so plain, and looked so helpless and totally lost that I said, “Would you like my porter to take your cases too?” Miss Bradley looked at me. “Oh – thank you. You’re so kind.”

In a few minutes we found ourselves on board the Channel ferry. Before the boat had been under way for ten minutes, I realised that Miss Bradley was a remarkable bore. She kept on talking about nothing, and made no remark worth taking notice of. I learned that she’d been in Italy a fortnight, visiting her sister who had got married to an Italian the previous year. She had never been out of England before. The usually brief Channel crossing began to drag on.

I didn’t look forward to travelling to London with her for another four hours, so excusing myself I went to the booking office on board the boat and booked myself a seat on the Golden Arrow. Miss Bradley was taking a different train, so this would mean that we’d part at Dover. Normally, passengers for the Golden Arrow are dealt with by customs first, as the train leaves twenty minutes before the regular train service. I hired a boy to carry our luggage. When he asked if we were going on the Golden Arrow, I said “Yes”. It was too difficult to explain that one of us was and the other wasn’t. Walking towards the Customs Hall, I explained carefully to Miss Bradley that my train left before hers, but that I would see her through customs; the boy would then take the luggage to our trains, and she could sit comfortably in hers till it left.

The boy put our suitcases together on the counter. In due course the customs officers reached us, looked at the four suitcases in that human X-ray manner which customs officers must practise night and day, and said, “This is all yours?”
Miss Bradley nodded, and I replied, “Well – mine and this lady’s.”
“Yes,” said the man. “But are you travelling together? Is this your joint luggage?”
“Well, not exactly. We’re just sharing a porter.”

I pointed my cases out and said I had nothing to declare. Without asking me to open them, the officer marked the cases. Then, instead of dealing with Miss Bradley’s luggage, he moved to somebody else’s luggage. I hesitated for a moment, but then decided it was no use waiting for Miss Bradley since we were about to part, so I said, “Well, I’ll say good-bye now, and go and find my train. The boy will stay and bring our luggage up to the trains when you’re through.”

Miss Bradley looked a little pale. “Oh... well, thank you,” she said impassively. I found my seat on the Golden Arrow and began to read. About twenty minutes later, I suddenly realised the train was due to leave in five minutes and the porter had not yet brought my luggage. Just then he appeared with my suitcases, breathing heavily.
“The lady’s still there,” he said, “so I thought maybe you wouldn’t want me to wait.”
“But why?”
“They are going through her things properly. They’d found forty watches before I left, and that was only the start.”
I understood then that when I saw Miss Bradley standing on the platform at Calais, looking half-lost, half-miserable, she’d already plotted the entire scheme. I just wasn’t sure whether she’d chosen me as the person to come to her rescue or whether she was plain certain that somebody would.
adapted from A Custom House Incident by Nigel Balchin

7.1. Which is TRUE about the narrator’s journey from Florence to Calais?
A. He spent the whole journey in the company of Miss Bradley.
B. He didn’t object to being seated at a table with Miss Bradley.
C. He found Miss Bradley to be a very attractive woman.
D. He enjoyed having a conversation with Miss Bradley.

7.2. When the narrator and Miss Bradley got off at Calais,
A. Miss Bradley insisted that the narrator should help her.
B. the narrator offered to act as a porter for Miss Bradley.
C. there were not enough porters to serve the passengers.
D. Miss Bradley seemed to feel disoriented.

7.3. While they were crossing the Channel, the narrator
A. was glad he had booked a Golden Arrow seat before boarding the ferry.
B. learned Miss Bradley was returning from her sister’s wedding.
C. was surprised to learn that the crossing would take longer.
D. took steps to avoid travelling further with Miss Bradley.

7.4. What happened in the Customs Hall in Dover?
A. The narrator decided to go through customs with Miss Bradley.
B. Miss Bradley asked the narrator to look after her belongings.
C. The narrator left Miss Bradley to carry her luggage herself.
D. All the suitcases had to be opened by customs officers.

7.5. At the end of the story, the narrator
A. seems grateful that Miss Bradley joined him in Calais.
B. realises Miss Bradley was not as helpless as he had thought.
C. regrets having left Miss Bradley without helping her more.
D. feels ashamed of what happened to Miss Bradley.

7.1 B
7.2 B
7.3 D
7.4 A
7.5 B

Zadanie 8.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Dobierz brakujące zdania, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. W każdą lukę (8.1.–8.4.) wpisz literę, którą oznaczone jest brakujące zdanie (A–E). Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

On a cold November night in Times Square, Officer Lawrence DePrimo encountered an older, barefooted homeless man. The officer disappeared for a moment, then returned with a new pair of boots, and knelt to help the man put them on. 8.1. _____ A snapshot taken with her cellphone on November 14 and posted to the New York Police Department’s official Facebook page made Officer DePrimo an overnight Internet hero. Almost immediately thousands of people commented on this event on Facebook. 8.2. _____ Many debated whether the policeman’s actions were representative of police officers in general, or were just exceptional.

The photo was taken by Jennifer Foster from Arizona. After returning from vacation, she wrote an e-mail to the New York Police Department, in which she described what she had witnessed. She said the moment resonated for personal reasons. 8.3. _____ She said he had squatted down, exactly like the officer in the picture. She never expected the picture to end up online but when a department official e-mailed her and asked if she would send along the photo so it could be posted on their Facebook page, she agreed.

Officer DePrimo, 25, who joined the department in 2010 and lives with his parents on Long Island, was shocked at the attention. As for the man he helped, Officer DePrimo never got his name, and he could not be located. 8.4. _____ He added that as soon as he put them on the homeless man’s feet, he got up and went on his way not even looking back.
adapted from

A. She remembered as a young girl seeing her father, a 32-year veteran of the Phoenix police force, buy food for a homeless man.
B. She is normally assigned to the Sixth Precinct in the West Village and she happened to be walking past the homeless man and the officer.
C. The act of kindness would have gone unnoticed, had it not been for a tourist from Arizona.
D. Most of them praised Officer DePrimo, yet some suspected that the photograph had been staged.
E. The officer said the homeless man was the most polite gentleman he had met, and that the man’s face lit up at the sight of the boots.

8.1 C
8.2 D
8.3 A
8.4 E

Zadanie 9.
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

In recent years coasteering 9.1. _____ one of the leading holiday activities in England,
Scotland and Wales. But what is it all about?

Coasteering is an adventure activity that takes place around the rocky coastline. Doing it 9.2. _____ wearing a full body wetsuit, white-water helmet and suitable footwear. Coasteering is practised along the base of sea cliffs, and presents a perfect 9.3. _____ to explore caves and different rock formations created by the sea or experience the rise and fall of the ocean waves. Its scariest element is climbing cliffs in order to jump from them into deep water. The cliffs 9.4. _____ from one to ten metres in height.

Coasteering is an extreme activity that can involve high risk depending on the sea and weather conditions, location and the participants’ fitness levels. Therefore, it should only be practised in the presence of a trained guide. There should be one guide 9.5. _____ every seven participants. Of course, if the sea conditions are more adverse than usual, or the group’s needs are greater, the number of guides should 9.6. _____. And the guides must make sure that everybody understands and accepts all the safety procedures before entering the water.
adapted from

A. would become
B. had become
C. was becoming
D. has become

A. forces
B. requires
C. needs
D. requests

A. offer
B. opportunity
C. suggestion
D. proposal

A. range
B. spread
C. differentiate
D. shift

A. on
B. at
C. for
D. in

A. have increased
B. be increased
C. be increasing
D. have been increased

9.1 D
9.2 B
9.3 B
9.4 A
9.5 C
9.6 B

Matura 2015. Język ANGIELSKI poziom rozszerzony dla TECHNIKUM - ODPOWIEDZI:
Odpowiedzi do egzaminu maturalnego z języka angielskiego, poziom rozszerzony dla technikum, który w środę zdawali uczniowie LO. Zadania rozwiązują dla Was nauczyciele języka angielskiego.

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